The Sunuwar (Nepali: , कोइँच, सुनुवार; Sunuwār Jāti) are an indigenous tribe originating in Nepal. They speak the Sunuwar language. According to the 2001 census of Nepal, 17% of the tribe follow the Kirant religion and adopt the Mundhum (Kiranti) culture.[1] The Kiranti-Kõinchs number 55,752. The term ‘Kõinchs’ is also the name of the mother…
Read MoreWe need further more investigation and historical research to find the fact about the origin of Sunuwar people. However, Sunuwar peoples believe themselves as Suryavanshi, family of the Sun. It is said that Sunuwar tribe is from Kirat group. According to history, there were three states of Kiratas in Eastern Nepal- Far Kirat, Mid Kirat…
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